Finally, a Jewish Christian leader named Stephen was called before the High Court, accused of blasphemy, and stoned to death. The news spread like wildfire. Many Jewish Christians scattered to towns outside Jerusalem, to avoid persecution.
But they found new problems there. They couldn’t find jobs. Their children were sick. And their leaders were fighting. They began to doubt that God was with them after all. They didn’t know what to do.
Then: Jesus’ relative James arrived. He had been their teacher. He knew them. And he spoke words they would never forget.
Runyeon portrays James as a man of deep emotion and wit, who speaks with wisdom to the troubled members of the church: the scandalized elders…the workaholic trader… the know-it-all teacher… the pampered aristocrat…the humble poor…the incurable gossips…the angry activist…the worried parents…and, of course:
we ourselves.
"Excellent! Mesmerizing..."St. Mary, Star of the Sea, Unionville, CT
"Inspired...powerful...for old and young alike. He allowed each person present to see their face in the faces of those who have gone before......"Church of the Ascension, Norfolk, VA
"Superb..."St. Thomas More Church, Darien, CT
"Compelling... practical... vividly speaks to our life today."American Lutheran Church, Prescott, AZ
"Riveting... The urgency of the Letter shines through... Compelling..."Christ Episcopal Church,
"Powerful! ... Thought provoking and deeply moving..."Baker Memorial Church (UMC) St Charles, IL
"Wonderful"Christ and Holy Trinity, Westport, CT
"Engaging, exciting...powerful!"Christ United Methodist Church Rochester, MN